肖建华,男,汉族,1962年7月出生,博士研究生学历,教授,河南理工大学测绘学院。 主要研究方向: 大地测量学与现代几何场理论;现代几何场理论与理性力学; 论文情况: [1] XiaoJianhua. Geometrical field formulation of thermomechanics in rationalmechanics. 2010, arXiv 1004.4332 (physics.gen-ph), 1-39 [2] 肖建华, 建筑结构变形的地震驱动机制探讨, 数学力学物理学高新技术研究进展—2010(13)卷, 科学出版社,2010,308-315 [3] 肖建华, 岩石的多相本构方程及其物性参数与几何形态的演化, 和谐地球上的水工岩石力学(第三届全国水工岩石力学学术会议论文集, 2010,8, 28-29 上海), 同济大学出版社, 2010, 12-15 [4] XiaoJianhua, Thermo-stress and thermo-elastisity determined by heat transportationand medium deformation fields, Pro. 9th Asian ThermophysicalProperties Conference, Beijing, [5] XiaoJianhua, Fatigue-cracking representation and its evolution for sphericalcontacts, Structural Integrity and Materials Aging in Extreme Conditions, ed. ST Tu, Z D Wang, G C Sih, East China University of Science and Technology Press,2010, p261-268 [6] 肖建华,流变速率型本构关系的理论探讨,中国流变学进展(郑强主编),浙江大学出版社,2010,p26-30 [7] XiaoJian-hua, Hard fling objector contact with surface of fluid as a Ricochet, Mathematical and Computational Applications,15(5), 940-945, 2010 (SCI) [8] XiaoJianhua, Formulation of Deformation Stress Fields and Constitutive Equations inRational Mechanics, arXiv.1012.5366(physics.gen-ph), 1-32, 2010 [9] XiaoJianhua, Dynamic Evolution Equations for Isolated Smoke Vortexes in RationalMechanics, arXiv.1101.2969 (physics.gen-ph), 1-25, 2011 [10] XiaoJianhua, Geometrical Field Theory of Hamilton Dynamic System in RationalMechanics, arXiv.1105.3320 (physics.gen-ph), 1-32, 2011 [11] XiaoJianhua, Fatigue-cracking evolution of material under load action, S.T Tu, Z.D.Wang, & G.C. Sih (Eds.) ISSI 2011- Structural Integrity in NuclearEngineering, 221-226, [11] 肖建华. 大变形的混合应力张量和非线性运动方程(英文)[OL].[2012-09-04].中国科技论文在线,http://www.paper.edu.cn/index.php/default/releasepaper/content/201209-22 [12] 肖建华,管内液体边界层引起的液体流变现象理论解,流变学进展(2012),第11届全国流变学学术会议论文集(艾慕阳,张劲军主编),2012,石油工业出版社,245-251 [13] Xiao Jianhua,Fatigue-fracture Mechanism under Larger Stress and Strain Conditions,ISSI-2012, From failure to better design,manufacture and construction, ed. S T Tu, Z D Wang, G C Sih, East ChinaUniversity of Science and Technology Press, 2012, p129-134 [14] 肖建华. 杆的大变形非线性运动方程[OL]. [2012-12-28]. 中国科技论文在线,http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201212-1172 [15] Xiao Jianhua, WangJingjing. Stress concentration based on non-linear motion equations and itsapplication for non-destructive detection of plate, 13thInternational Conference on Fracture (ICF13), S37-003, Jun2 16-21,2013,Beijing, China [16] 肖建华,王晶晶. 平板冲击断裂的几何场理论方程, 第11届全国冲击断裂学学术会议论文集(光盘), 主编: 周刚, 周风华. (陕西咸阳, 2013,8, 14-17) [17] 王晶晶,肖建华. 由疲劳纹理几何张量数据估算加载的应力, 理化检验,物理分册V.49,增刊2,2013, p539-542, [2013年全国失效分析学术会议论文集, (大连, 2013, 9, 23-27)] [18] 肖建华. 圆柱后涡街的理论解[OL]. [2013-12-10].中国科技论文在线,http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201312-218 [19] 肖建华,王晶晶. 圆柱形试样在剪应变下的理论寿命解[OL]. [2013-12-19]. 中国科技论文在线,http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201312-571 [20] 肖建华,王晶晶. 圆管中一个方向流体的理论解[EB/OL].北京:中国科技论文在线 [2014-04-29].http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201404-416 [21]Wang, J. andXiao, J.: Exact Finite Element Formulation of Frenet Formula of Curve inGeospatial Database, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci.,XL-4, 291-295, doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-4-291-2014, 2014. E-mail:[email protected] 联系电话:13703916577